Sunday, October 2, 2005 Noon to 6 PM |
Enjoy a surprisingly rural setting for a Bluegrass Music Festival at Staten Island’s Historic Richmond Town, within the New York City limits. Bring your instrument, find a spot on an old porch or under a shade tree to pick, listen to the stage show, renew old friendships and make new ones. Tickets are $12 in advance; $15 at the gate; $6 and $7.50 for children 5-15; under 5 FREE; Seniors (60 and up) $10 and $12. For reservations, please call 718-351-1611, Ext. 236, or e-mail: tricountyr@aol.com (Preserved from http://www.historicrichmondtown.org/printerfriendlyevents.html#bluegrass) |
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